Paying professional fees for comprehensive wealth management is an investment in your financial well-being. We are committed to ensuring that you understand the fees that you are currently paying, our professional fee structure, and everything we include with our comprehensive planning services.

We offer transparent and competitive advisory fees, based on assets managed by our team. For example, on our IG Advisory Accounts (IGAA):

Advisory fees start at 1.35% and decline as household asset size increases;
Advisory fees may be tax deductible on non-registered and corporate investment accounts1;
Advisory fees are highlighted on statements and on an annual summary; and
In addition to advisory fees, where relevant, embedded management fees (known as the Management Expense Ratio or “MER”) are charged by each Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) or mutual fund.


Our fees are highly competitive, but the services we provide to our clients go well beyond what many wealth managers offer. All clients receive:

Fully integrated wealth management experience:
Ongoing portfolio management & investment advice;
Personalized financial and retirement plans that are updated regularly;
Specialized tax, insurance, estate, cashflow, business, and other planning;
Access to and Engagement with our Advanced Financial Planning team, which includes tax, legal, pension, investment, philanthropic, and other experts.

Ongoing consultation, reviews, and accessibility:
Regular, scheduled portfolio and planning review meetings, directly with Mike Kalinka, Executive Financial Consultant and practice lead;
An accessible and responsive client service and administrative support team with a combined 50+ years of experience;
A commitment from our entire team to support, educate, and advocate for your financial well-being;
Consultation and engagement with your other tax and legal professionals.

Events, education, and engagement
Invitations to financial education and social events;
Access to our suite of video education and social media platforms;
Ongoing training and virtual support from our team.

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1Please consult your personal tax advisor